Thursday, April 1, 2021

Trolley Thursday 4-1-21 - The Los Angeles Railway's Diesel and Trolley Coaches

Welcome, dear readers, to a new era of Trolley-Posting! Or rather, Trolley BUS posting! In the best interest to give you the ultimate experience of what it was like to live through the Yellow Car era and show how much of a bad idea it was to get rid of Los Angeles' streetcars, we've decided to "bustitute" ourselves just like the LAMTA! I don't want to waste any more of your time, so enjoy a ride on board a nice, quiet, smooth, rubber-tyred trolley coach as we look at the Los Angeles Railway's (LARy) much-loved, much-welcomed, and much much more successful bus lines!


Look I came up with this at like 5:30AM please forgive me.

In all seriousness, my editor and I are taking a break today to prepare for the rest of the month. Check back with us next Tuesday when we start covering the history of San Francisco's trolley and cable cars!


Thank you for suffering through today's obligatory April Fool's Day post, and watch your step as you alight on the platform. The trolley gifs in our posts are made by myself and can be found under “Motorman Reymond’s Railroad Gif Carhouse”. On Tuesday, we... well, you already know what we're going to cover next week! For now, you can send your most vicious hate-mail to myself or my editor on Twitter, buy a shirt or sticker to deface from our Redbubble stand, or summon a transit demon through my editor's self-developed board game! It's like Ticket to Ride, but cooler! (and you get to support him through it!) Until next time, ride safe!

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